Inspired Halloween costumes (for pets)

Yep.  I am one of those freakish pet owners who love to dress up their pets, and not just for Halloween.  Maybe freakish isn’t the right word, though.  Does wacky sound better?  Weirdo?  Crazy?  Eh, it doesn’t matter.  My shih tzu Buffy has been a witch ever since her first Halloween 3 years ago.  She calmly allows me to put the costume on her – a little dress and hat – but then she acts like she doesn’t know me.  She tries to shake off the hat, but it won’t come off because it has a toggle fastener.

This year, though, I am going to give her a break, and dress myself up instead.  Buffy will just be an ewok, as she is the other 364 days a year, but she will wear her Halloween collar that my mom bought her a couple years ago.  For myself, I bought some blue hospital scrubs – I am going to dress up as Dr. Meredith Grey from Grey’s Anatomy.

But here are some inspired Halloween costumes for pets.  The first one is, of course, my favorite.  Maybe next year, Buffy?

6 thoughts on “Inspired Halloween costumes (for pets)

  1. Pingback: Halloween For Your Pet « eversaveblog

  2. Pingback: Halloween Love: Costumes | Lana Red Studio

  3. Pingback: Halloween Love: Costumes

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